WHO - This website (http://HWRichard.info) is dedicated to supporting women as they navigate the breast cancer experience. It covers topics of coping with the diagnosis and medical intervention, healing, recovery and maintaining a positive body image. The posts are primarily geared toward African American women 50 and over, although all women are welcome.


WHAT - Moreover, this is a place for caregivers and friends to better understand how women can survive this and more!


WHEN - I will add posts (stories & features) every week (Thursday) about my experiences, research and ways to support each other through this adventure.


WHY - I am doing this because many people helped me and I know there are others who long for some tips, some place to speak or just someone to make their day brighter/lighter.  


Yes, hopefully, the weekly posts will help us all move into a more positive space.


To check out the latest adventure, click a title under Thursday Blog Postings. You can contact me at hpwrichard@gmail.com for further information & speaking engagements on breast cancer and positive body image.

Dr. Harriette