Today’s blog is an example of how a change in your perception can affect your attitude. As we move toward talking more about my research on Body Image and Breast Cancer, let’s begin talking about my latest view of clothing.
A few years ago, I started this process of cleaning out my closet. Yep, emptying everything out of it and trying things on to see how the items looked on me, what needed mending, or what was too big (yeah, right). I only kept those items I loved to wear. That alone cut out half of my wardrobe and cut down on what I bought when I shopped.
Now, I do have a few sentimental pieces, like the dress one of my BFF’s mother made and gave me. Her mom made this dress over 20 years ago. I’m not sure I can even fit into it anymore. But, I just cannot part with it. I guess I could just take a picture of it. “Nah, that won’t work, in this case.” Or I could be kind and give it back to Derise, since she said that particular dress was to be hers. (Wow, the things we remember!)
Look Good, Feel Better
One of the first steps in healing and improving your body image is to feel like you look good in whatever you put on. This confidence unconsciously improves your attitude. Have you ever tried on something you didn’t like or were unsure about? Well, how did that work out for you?
My experiences with breast cancer, subsequent surgeries and research studies uncovered a number of things breast cancer patients were not told. This week’s New York Times Article highlighted one of those issues. Breast numbness often isn’t discussed with Breast Cancer patients. The article further disconcertedly revealed the phrase “it feels natural” was NOT from the perspective of the women who had the mastectomy. “Would you expect anyone to not talk about the patient’s perspective, when it came to knee or hip replacement?” Breast cancer patients are often NOT advised or informed about a “new” belly button after a tramflap, keloid formation after the scars or PTSD symptoms, such as depression (highlighted here in a previous post).
In dealing with all of these and other possible occurrences, how do we move forward? Take a look at this week’s highlighted blogger and author. Barbara Musser elevates this conversation with her book, webinars and blog entitled Sexy After Cancer.
Please check it out her book – Sexy After Cancer – Meeting Your Inner Aphrodite on the Breast Cancer Journey. It couldn’t hurt.
Remember your perception is your reality. Let’s work this out to our advantage. What counts? It’s what you THINK that counts!
Dr. Harriette
P.S. I really wanted to have I’m Looking for a Miracle by The Clark Sisters playing in this blog. Check out their Youtube version by clicking the song.
I really enjoyed reading the article very good
I appreciate all projects addressing topics of rebuilding your mind, body and soul after experiencing a journey such as cancer.. It is sometimes difficult to speak on some of the insecurities that
the journey leaves you to discover…however discovery of something new just might be the thing you needed.
Thank you for your comments. I am trying to deliver what may be helpful. Let me know if there are topics you want to hear more about.