Gingerbread House Ritz Carlton, NOLA

After my diagnosis and a couple of surgeries – a change was necessary.  I became more aware of how my habits affected my body. Check out these questions which continue to stay on my mind:

How many alcoholic drinks can I have per week? More than 3 increases the possibility of cancer’s reoccurrence.

Should I watch my weight? Being overweight increases my chances of getting cancer again!

How much sugar should I consider acceptable? Let’s just limit it, okay? I know cutting it out entirely would be great, but let’s be realistic!


I am tightening my diet up and finding new and different ways to stay healthy and maintain a positive body image.


Luckily, I don’t like chocolate or sweets that much, only certain items. That means idly picking up a Snickers or M&M’s at QT happens occasionally. I prefer the mixed nuts, but sometimes QT doesn’t have them. So, what’s a girl gonna do?


Although a trip to New Orleans for a conference a week ago, almost totally derailed me. I confined myself to only 3 beignets and 3 pralines for the whole 4 days. Now that was a sacrifice! That’s not all I ate, it’s how I strayed.



Anyway, I’m writing this after the greatest food feast of all – Thanksgiving! And I made banana pudding! I will have to throw what’s left out, just to keep from eating it. I know, I know, “We just don’t throw away food!”


You would if you know what I know. The attitude of not throwing out food helped me gain weight when I was first married. You know, you’re cleaning up the kitchen and there’s just a little bit of potatoes or rice left, too little to put into a container or save for another serving. So, I would just eat it. Yeah and 20 lbs later, I’d think “Are my clothes shrinking?” Nope, it’s that spoonful here and there.


“Okay, enough of the beating myself up, even in retrospect.” As my friend Marylu says, “There are enough people out there willing to do that.”



Thanksgiving was great – I hope you had a great one! Family, friends, everyone is in such a festive mood as we go into the holiday season.


Since I have given up meat, how did I fare? Well, I decided going in I would not be strictly vegan for that day. That way I could enjoy the holiday without putting too much pressure on myself.


Sometimes I don’t even know that something is making me not feel well until I have stopped eating that way. The limiting of sugar, increasing vegetables, and others changes have helped me feel a whole lot better!


Back to Thanksgiving, I did not lecture anyone on what they ate or even talk about veganism. There were plenty of vegetables for us all and ham & turkey for those wanting it as well as rolls and desserts. Besides who’d be checking out someone else’s plate! 

The long and short of it is, enjoy your life, make your own choices and go easy on yourself.


What Counts?
I’m saying this to myself as much as I am to you. Remember the reason for the season, take time to be by yourself, be present around others and love those you care about unconditionally.


Read the following link at your own risk. There is no unknowing the truth. Listing of cancer causing foods

Dr. Harriette

One Reply to “Can Habits & Addictions Break You?”

  1. Wonderful commentary! I freeze foods I don’t eat; then later, it’s a nice treat. Love the pictures too 🙂

Let me know what you think.