Being able to stand up and sit down without using my hands is challenging for me. I used to be able to do that. Yeah, this is one task I’m trying to master, again. I mean, when did my ability to do this disappear and what am I doing about it?


I think it was some time after the tram flap surgery on my lower abdomen, being able to stand up and sit down without pushing myself up or down suddenly became difficult. It is not good when you plop down on the pew at church or you have to use your hands to sit down in public places.


I’ve been doing exercises  bendablebody hamstring stretch which focus on the hamstrings. My friend, Janice advised doing dead lifts and squats to help strengthen my hamstrings. Both of these seem to work well, when I do them.


As we get older, we can’t do all that we used to do, but we’ve got to stay active. Above all, we must keep moving! Yep! I said it.



The List
Here’s a list of some things we can do to keep moving:

1.  Walk every waking hour for at least 10 minutes. (Use a fit bit if necessary, as a reminder. It can even give you the beginning of a text message and let you know who’s calling you.)

2.  Jump on a rebounder during television commercials. (You know they each are about 2 minutes now.)

3.  Get outside for a walk around the neighborhood.

4.  Walk the mall. (Window shop – who wants to carry packages as we are enjoying people-watching?)

5.  Substituting some strength-building exercises within those commercial breaks works too. Here’s something to try – 4 minute workout.

6. Bonus Points if you do Tai Chi, Yoga or QiGong.


How about learning a line dance for extra credit? Here’s one to try Gangsta Slide by Tucker



Not This – Click here


Do you know your ability to stand and sit are measures of longevity? The more we are able to move around on our own the better off we are! Learning to adjust is what all of us do in any number of situations. Why should this challenge be different?


So, you can sit and stand without using your hands? Can you balance on one foot for 10-15 seconds with your eyes closed? Practicing can help you do this in less than a month. There could be a reunion challenge coming up!



What Counts?
So how do I feel about it? I’ve got to do something because this is not a good feeling. It makes me feel like I’m an ancient old person and that’s NOT who I am. So, try these exercises and see what does and doesn’t work for you. Let me know your tips and strategies because I need your help!


If this is not an issue for you – Good! But as J Anthony Brown says “Watch out there now!


Dr. Harriette


Let me know what you think.