Art by Frank Morrison

After the birth of our first child, Renette, I could not lose the weight right away (who does?). Before I could run or jog and the weight came off. But then (some 20 years ago), it did not budge!


Prior to this I was physically active. I ran, walked, jogged, jumped rope, etc. Sometimes I even ran with Edward.  In fact, I ran all the way up until the week of my delivery. Yes, it frightened some people. I think they thought the baby might fall out. I was pretty big.


Another Adventure
Anyway, I read an article, which is how many of my adventures started. The article lead me to believe “weight bearing exercises” would tighten me up. I worked out with Kaye, who was also into body-building. We went Dutch’s Gym in Orange,Texas. It was great for me since I could go there early in the morning or right after work before I picked Renette up from daycare.


I was really into it. Of course, I had books, tapes, pictures and I even got the chance to attend the Ms Olympia contest in Chicago. I did lose the weight. But I was so caught up in bodybuilding, I made up a routine, had a video made of it and gave it to Edward as a Valentine’s Day gift after I performed it live. Upon receiving the tape, his only question was, “Who taped the video?” 


Lifting weights really gives one a very powerful feeling. The body building tightens you up and increases your strength and confidence. At that time, conventional wisdom believed you could go to the gym and lift weights for 45 minutes to an hour.


Now, we know you don’t have to spend so much time in the gym. With High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)  you can work out in less that 20 minutes and receive the same benefits. I like that! Although I seem to not be getting in even 10 minutes.


Women & Weight-lifting
Most women now know you would not end up making muscles and looking like a man, without working out incredibly hard, using supplements, dieting, etc. It really just helps you shape up and firm up.


Later, when we moved to Cincinnati, I created a home gym in the basement. I promised Edward I would never join a gym since I had all the equipment at home – free-standing pull up & dip stand, a device with lat pull down bar, pec deck, leg extension & leg curl attachments, a stepper, and a lot of dumbbells. I kept my promise until they built a fitness center less than a half mile from our house. (Hey, I didn’t have a leg press machine and they did.)


I remember for my going away party from Columbia College I asked for 20 lb dumbbells. My colleagues signed their names and affixed it to the dumbbells. (Thanks Sheila for hauling them up those 4 flights of stairs.) Some 25 years later you can still see pieces of the autographs on the dumbbells.


Adjunctive Therapy
As part of my adjunctive therapy after my each bout with cancer, I went to Strides to Strength and finished my 6-8 week program with more strength and better stretching than I had before I started my cancer treatments. I lifted weights for a good long time and only recently stopped.


But we know as we get older, weight-bearing exercises are practically mandatory since they strengthen our bones and muscles. Considering weight training gave me more energy, more confidence in my own mental and physical strength, helped me believe I could accomplish a number of physical feats, why did I ever stop????



What Counts?
Figuring out why I stopped could be interesting. But more importantly, is how I can move forward and begin again. I love how the weight feels in my hands. I enjoy seeing how my body changes. I relish the challenge of setting a goal and accomplishing it.


Okay, I commit to weight training 3 days a week. I will tweet it on the days I do workout, as my friend Angela does about her running. What have you been meaning to do? This could be the right time to make it happen.

The men all pause song

Dr. Harriette

Let me know what you think.