Fathers, according to psychologists, give females their math ability & sense of femininity. You know, fathers say “You’re such a pretty little girl” and we mothers say “We want you to be independent and this is how you can go about doing that“. This is a generalization, but they add that nuance to who we ultimately become.
My dad was a high school principal, to him I was “Little Harriette“. He passed when I was 12 years old. And I think I get my sense of humor and fun-loving-ness from the man they called “Chief“. Sometimes our daughters accuse me of just going for the joke all the time.😎 OK, I may do that a bit too often. But I love having fun, I love laughing, I think life should be a joy!
And I do miss my dad! He taught me how to ride a bike without training wheels. I remember going around and around that garage with him holding the bike up until I saw him just standing there looking at me – filled with pride as I pedaled it all by myself. I think about him at random times, like when I am in my solitary thoughts while running. It’s kind of surreal to have memories of him fixed in time over 50 years later.
What Counts?
I don’t know where I’m going with this. In truth, I just felt I wanted to acknowledge him and say even though he was only in my life for the first 12 years, the impact was incomprehensible! It made such a difference. But then, that’s all anyone can ask – to make a difference in the life of another person regardless of the length of time, especially when that difference is filled with love.
“Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities.” – Orison Swett Marden
I Say a Little Prayer – Dionne Warwick
Love you madly,
Dr. Harriette
I love this. Your words are so visual and I admire how you put them just so with your thoughts where they land in a soft deeply felt place. My father came into plain view. He was my hero. Thank you for this. (Enjoyed Dionne too!)
It’s surreal what an impact a father has on your life despite whether they are physically present or not. Thank you for sharing these “Joyful” memories.
Amen, my Dad died the Saturday before Mother’s Day in 1985…. it’s his insane and crazy laugh that I constantly miss; I remember him teaching me how to tell time and he stressed to me and my two sisters; have your own. My Dad made it to the 10th grade and went into the Army… he left high school because the kids made fun of his shoes…. that’s another story… Harriette thank you for being the source and energy to thank God for the Dad :Father who shaped who we are…. I’m a proud Daddy’s Girl..
I absolutely loved, loved, loved your reflections! Thank you for sharing them. Much love, #21 Gamma Iota!