I Am Really Glad To Be Back in Stride Again!

Dr. Harriette

Having issues with lymphedema (swelling) in my left arm. To help remedy that I’m down 30 lbs using keto and now going to get my arm wrapped to hopefully reduce its size. This last swelling was due to sunburn.


(Some research and anecdotal evidence suggest a ketogenic diet may also help those with Lymphedema.)


Anyway, after editing, adding a picture, and pressing POST. I panicked! 😱 I think the post went to my general FB page and not the closed group!


  • Why had I panicked? “What was I ashamed/embarrassed about?”
  • Was it that I didn’t want people to see what was going on with me now?”
  • I mean, “I’ve been wearing compression sleeves for a couple of years.


I’m still unclear, regarding my panic. But I decided, “It’s okay. It’s done & out there!” Then I couldn’t find the doggone post! Yep, it disappeared! So, I decided to write about it and post it on my blog site. Yep, the one I stopped in January of this year, but evidently – I’m starting again. 


For two years I posted every Thursday about Healing, Breast Cancer and Body Image at  Hwrichard.info This time may not be as frequent – once a month, every two weeks, or new and different topics. Who knows? 


What Counts?
I’m beginning again! So welcome back or if you’re new to the site, I’m glad you’re here also – buckle up! It’s gonna be an interesting ride.



“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”  Dr. Martin Luther King


Check out Lymphedema Podcast for more information on Lymphedema.

DOCUMENTARY “The Disease They Call FAT” broadcasting FREE on Facebook
Catch it anytime – 24/7  until June 30th at 11:59 pm EST.
Lipedema The Disease They Call FAT Facebook group
note: a download of the PDF of the ebook is also available with the documentary and also FREE


Wednesday June 5 @ 8:30 am ESTLuxurious, Delicious, Decadent, Satisfying, Sumptuous and FABULOUS Keto – And Yes You Can Lose Weight and Reduce Pain and Swelling”

Thursday June 6 @ 8:00 pm EST – Catherine Seo, PhD
Topic: “How We Got Here – A Many Year Journey with Lipedema”

Friday June 7 @ 10:00 am EST – Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA
Topic: “The Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders”

UPCOMING PROGRAMS (we are so excited about both of these programs)
Keto for Lipedema Worldwide Summit broadcasts June 21-30
40+ experts, physicians, researchers – SAVE THE DATES


Love ya,
Dr. Harriette

Great is Your Faithfulness & Amazing is Your Grace

Tomorrow is the first day of my challenge. My question is, “How can I stay motivated to stick with this challenge?” Whenever you start a new thing – whether it’s a new job, a new marriage, a new baby, or a new vacation; there’s always the question of how hard will the new task be.  You know, what will it take for me to be successful each day? Read More

Surprising Spotlight on World Lymphedema Day March 6 – Part 2

Dr. Harriette’s new sleeve & gauntlet

Ten Things to Remember
I have a sleeve that I use often. Okay – occasionally. No – every now and then. Okay, so I don’t always wear my lymphedema sleeve. But, I usually wear the night one. Anyway, now I will be wearing my sleeve. In fact, I ordered a new daytime one since the old one is really, really tight. Read More

Surprising Spotlight on World Lymphedema Day March 6 – Part 1

Just as I was about to think I didn’t have to do anything about my lymphedema, it would flare up! I noticed my arm had swollen during the past 2 weeks. I tried to recall if I had a cut anywhere on the arm or hand or even a sunburn. Well, nothing like that occurred. I asked the doctor if my kickboxing and punching had done anything to harm my arm. He said, “No, that wouldn’t do it.” Read More