How to Actually Do Your Best Dancing!

Some of my friends and I are learning a few new line dances. Let me just say these line dances are not like the electric slide, bus stop or some of those more familiar ones. Oh no! This is a whole new breed. The first one we learned was relatively simple. You know cha-cha up, pivot cha-cha back, a couple of steps here and a couple of steps there – step out and back in. (They lured us in with the easy one.) Read More

A Life-Saver of a Book

Lifetime Movie – Why I wore Lipstick to my Mastectomy

A real life-line book, one that will take you play-by-play through the breast cancer journey is The Silver Lining: A Supportive and Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer by Hollye Jacobs. I wish I had this book in the beginning of my journey, because it really takes you through everything! Read More