More than the stereotypical chanting and meditation, you might guess? And you’d be correct! The Monk, I am highlighting today is not the obsessive-compulsive one on TV.
Stop Time & Find Success
This particular book, The Urban Monk, covers such topics as; exercise, meditation, food, stress, time, and energy. It had many tools I needed during my Breast Cancer journey. I continue to use most of these same tools today.
Initially, I read the book because I knew if I continued being overweight and/or didn’t control my stress, there would be a greater chance of my cancer recurring. My move back to meditation has allowed me to center myself, reduce my stress and take more time to listen. “Okay, don’t test me on the last one.”
Health & Nutrition
I have probably been on a health program (i.e., adding weight lifting or meditation) or altered my way of eating (vegetarian, vegan) for a good part of my life. Only within the past 20 years, now that my husband and I do not weigh the same, have I deeply investigated more diet and health plans. The ones I’ve read ranged from Dick Gregory’s Bahamian Diet to Micheal Pollen’s Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual. However, The Urban Monk shut down all my diet-seeking-changing ways.
Prior to the book’s release, I was familiar with the work of Dr. Pedram Shojai, the Taoist monk, physician, filmmaker, and philanthropist. His whole food recommendations were similar to some of my other favorite authors: Kris Carr (Crazy Sexy Cancer), Sara Gottfried (The Hormone Cure), JJ Virgin (The Virgin Diet), and Mark Hyman (UltraWellness). Check out some of these authors, they too have a lot to offer.
The no dairy (with some exceptions, like grass-fed cow’s butter), no wheat, NO added sugar or processed foods appealed to me. There were swaps you could make, so your food supply was not totally gutted. Besides you gradually walked through making these and other changes. You’d be surprised how much was and is still left to eat! “So, why not try it?” After all, I had come through a couple of bouts with cancer. I needed to shake things up!
Show Me the Evidence!
The Urban Monk has health and wellness information supported by research. I like to understand why specific regimes or hacks are helpful. So, breaking down research finding into easily understood language instead of jargon is a welcomed addition.
To top it off, Dr. Shojai has a number of videos, which walk you through specific exercises, illustrating good form. This step-by-step instruction, whether it’s Tai Chi, Qi Gong or “calming the chaos in your head” are valuable resources. “Did I mention he has podcasts and Facebook live events?”
What Counts?
You do! Is it time for a different perspective? If you are trying to redefine yourself, lose a few pounds, regain your good body/self-image, eat the right foods, or just manage your stress, give The Urban Monk a try.
Now, I am not so naive as to think this is the only way to reach our goals. Let me know the ideas or books you like. “Free your mind and the rest will follow.”
Oh, here’s The Urban Monk’s Tai Chi sample
Dr. Harriette
Let me know what you think.