Having issues with lymphedema (swelling) in my left arm. To help remedy that I’m down 30 lbs using keto and now going to get my arm wrapped to hopefully reduce its size. This last swelling was due to sunburn.
(Some research and anecdotal evidence suggest a ketogenic diet may also help those with Lymphedema.)
Anyway, after editing, adding a picture, and pressing POST. I panicked! 😱 I think the post went to my general FB page and not the closed group!
Why had I panicked? “What was I ashamed/embarrassed about?”
Was it that I didn’t want people to see what was going on with me now?”
I mean, “I’ve been wearing compression sleeves for a couple of years.“
I’m still unclear, regarding my panic. But I decided, “It’s okay. It’s done & out there!” Then I couldn’t find the doggone post! Yep, it disappeared! So, I decided to write about it and post it on my blog site. Yep, the one I stopped in January of this year, but evidently – I’m starting again.
For two years I posted every Thursday about Healing, Breast Cancer and Body Image at Hwrichard.infoThis time may not be as frequent – once a month, every two weeks, or new and different topics. Who knows?
What Counts?
I’m beginning again! So welcome back or if you’re new to the site, I’m glad you’re herealso – buckle up! It’s gonna be an interesting ride.
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” Dr. Martin Luther King
DOCUMENTARY “The Disease They Call FAT” broadcasting FREE on Facebook
Catch it anytime –24/7–until June 30th at 11:59 pm EST. Lipedema The Disease They Call FAT Facebook group note: a download of the PDF of the ebook is also available with the documentary and also FREE
Wednesday June 5 @ 8:30 am ESTLuxurious, Delicious, Decadent, Satisfying, Sumptuous and FABULOUS Keto – And Yes You Can Lose Weight and Reduce Pain and Swelling”
Thursday June 6 @ 8:00 pm EST– Catherine Seo, PhD
Topic: “How We Got Here – A Many Year Journey with Lipedema”
Friday June 7 @ 10:00 am EST– Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA
Topic: “The Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders”
UPCOMING PROGRAMS(we are so excited about both of these programs) Keto for Lipedema Worldwide SummitbroadcastsJune 21-30
40+ experts, physicians, researchers – SAVE THE DATES
I like Christmas holiday traditions! We usually put up a tree, wreaths, play Christmas music, and watch Christmas movies. Among other items decorations include a nativity scene, a melted Texas snowman and yes Christmas cards stand on various surfaces. Read More
What is it like being a caregiver when I was cared for so expertly? When I was a caregiver last month I realized – it’s really hard work! And it wasn’t that major big deal. I mean, my patient was mobile, just moving slowly and unable to lift heavy things.
Yes, that’s right! Even though the site I’m highlighting in this post is for young women under 54 who had breast cancer and are concerned about body image, please note those of us over 54 are also concerned about Body Image. No Surprise here! Read More
There were lots of movers & shakers, activists, entrepreneurs, bosses and girlfriends in New Orleans. The new African-American female mayors of Atlanta and Charlotte North Carolina were front & center on stage at the Essence festival. Those and many other experiences continue to reverberate long after the event!Read More