Maybe This is What Seeing Clearly Really Means

This past week I edited an article I co-wrote after we received “conditional approval”. I thought I needed just a couple of hours – 4 hours max. I started at 6pm and it took me 12 hours to complete the edits!


I lost track of time.  Has that ever happened to you? Wow, I have never pulled an all-nighter, except maybe during pledging, but that was years ago.


By the time I finished getting ready and was on my way to work I noticed something was not right.


My eyes were red, painful, teary and I could barely see to drive. I had to email my students and department chair, let my classes go and then drive back home. (I should have called Uber.)



I’ve never prayed that much while on the road (unless you count the time we were coming home  on an icy highway, from our honeymoon and I mistakenly grabbed the steering wheel & put us into a tailspin, but that was a long time ago).  Why did I go to school nearly unable to see? (I won’t be impatient the next time someone drives slowly in front of me).


I finally made it home and depended on the kindness of my bffs to get to urgent care, pick up meds and get back home. Things were taken care of and by the next morning I could see clearly.


I’ve only been in that much pain when I kept my contacts in too long years ago. That time I had to have my eyes bandaged for 2 days. We were traveling to Arkansas and I remember Edward guiding me around. Somehow I kept bumping into things. It was not a good experience. This too was not a good experience. But with everything there are lessons learned. Some are above in parentheses and here are a few more:


  • I do put my hand in my eyes too frequently. I can’t do that anymore!
  • I’ve got to take it easy and as Edward says “Take care of myself.” (I evidently don’t know what that means because I thought that was what I was doing, but I guess not.)
  • I’m just thinking again about being thankful. Sometimes I think I really don’t understand how much I should be thankful for even basic things.



What Counts?
All I could do was lay down, rest and pray. I don’t know what the lesson was other than the items above and to slow my roll. But is my being quieter, less rushed, more pensive really the lesson? How will I know?

I know things will work out. I don’t know exactly how, but I have faith that things will and not in a Pollyanna way.

I didn’t do a post last week. I’m glad I am back!

Love you all,

Dr. Harriette

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Surprising Spotlight on World Lymphedema Day March 6 – Part 1

Just as I was about to think I didn’t have to do anything about my lymphedema, it would flare up! I noticed my arm had swollen during the past 2 weeks. I tried to recall if I had a cut anywhere on the arm or hand or even a sunburn. Well, nothing like that occurred. I asked the doctor if my kickboxing and punching had done anything to harm my arm. He said, “No, that wouldn’t do it.” Read More

Tragedy into Triumph (13 steps) –

I could not resist sending this out. Since I sent my regular post out Tuesday instead of Thursday, consider this a bonus. Let me warn you – Be thoughtful about these.  Enjoy!


13 Steps to Transform your Tragedy into Triumph  They begin with “Sometimes it hurts. Deeply. I’m not referring to your everyday, run-of-the-mill disappointment” from  Click here

Dr. Harriette

Strengthening My Faith Walk

I was recently asked to tell my Breast Cancer story to a group of young ladies, who are part of Alpha Kappa Alpha at Johnson C. Smith University. One of the questions asked after I gave my presentation was, “Did my faith increase, decrease or stay the same?” I said, “It stayed the same“, but as I thought about it later, I should have answered differently. Read More