Are you Sure you’re a Genuine Care Giver?
What is it like being a caregiver when I was cared for so expertly? When I was a caregiver last month I realized – it’s really hard work! And it wasn’t that major big deal. I mean, my patient was mobile, just moving slowly and unable to lift heavy things.
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The Spotlight is on Love, Loss, and Happiness!
This week’s blog is about feelings of inadequacy. I am not perfect, I am just human like everybody else. Sometimes I have days when things are not going so well. I just can’t put my finger on what’s wrong. I don’t know if I don’t feel good physically or if my mood is bad. Read More
Stop, In the Name of LOVE!
I just got back from New York! I attended my cousin Bobbie’s ordination. Yes, she became an ordained minister! “I love her, everyone who meets her loves her.” Read More