Are you Sure you’re a Genuine Care Giver?

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

What is it like being a caregiver when I was cared for so expertly? When I was a caregiver last month I realized – it’s really hard work! And it wasn’t that major big deal. I mean, my patient was mobile, just moving slowly and unable to lift heavy things.

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How Do You Know When to Chill?

When I start something new, I search for helpful information everywhere. Just as I was saying to myself, “Ok, I am going to try to stick to my Challenge for 30 days because the 60 days sounds like too much”, I found Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy You Program, which started this past Monday. (Day 24 for me.) Read More

I Learned a Valuable Lesson When I Failed

So today’s blog is about commitment and failure. So, how did I not stick to what I said I’d do? Usually, I do fairly well with my Lenten commitment. I still give up something for Lent. I know it is old fashioned in this age of doing and having everything we want instantly.
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Positive Body Image Resources & A Thank You

This is the debut of the Positive Body Image Resource Page on the (Through a Mirror Dimly) blog site. What Counts? What you choose to add.

Work it Out!
Ways to stay on track with your workout. Ways to stay on track

Every Body Yoga
By JassamynStanley. I love her yoga because it makes me think I might be able to do it too. (She is much better than me, but I can hope.)


Body Image Links 

A little of Everything  A Website for the care of Black Women

Kriss Carr presents Dr.Christine Northrop who give 5 tips on being an Ageless Goddess

Social comparisons may appear so right, but they can be so misleading and cause you to focus on the wrong thing. Social comparisons link


Mastectomy Needs

Wardrobe boot camp: Dressing after a mastectomy
By Styling You, short & useful.

 A different prosthesis from BBC Stories    Knitted knockers
Unique Boutique  –
A place to buy Breast forms, Mastectomy Bras, wigs and more located in Charlotte, NC


The Fashionista You Are

Fabulous after 40
This is the right word for this site for 40s, 50s, 60s and up! Hair, shoes, clothes. It’s a fashion magazine in itself!

Fashionable & Confident over 40
Let’s see what you think?

Clothes, trends, fun & sometimes interesting articles


Ways of Centering

Journaling – Journaling Help

Headspace App – Price varies lowest one is $12.99


Grounding from Dr. Mercola

 Here’s how grounding helps

The Urban Monk
Programs designed to give you more energy. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and much more!


What Counts?

Please send me any favorite sites of yours, so I can add them to this grouping. Start new categories, if you like. There appears to be so much out there! Let me hear what you find interesting, fun, enlightening or appealing.

A Video Thank you from me.
Dr. Harriette

What’s It All About, Alfie? This moment or more!

“What do you see when you look in the mirror?” A few days after surgery, most women answer, “Scars!” However, two years later, the responses are “A pretty lady,” “A woman who know what she wants.”

A Positive Body Image
How can you continue to maintain a positive body image after you’ve had a lumpectomy/mastectomy and/or reconstructive surgery?
The women in my research study talked about it beginning with persistence through: surgeries, medical interventions, depression, and neuropathy. This movement toward a positive body image after breast cancer includes cognitive and emotional aspects, as well, such as, how your family and friends treat you, your faith, and how you feel about yourself.
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What was the #1 New Year’s Resolution?

Yep, you guessed it – Weight Loss. Why is it that of all the cancers, I got breast cancer (6 years ago) and my oncologist said, “Women don’t lose weight with this one – they gain weight!” “What?!?!”

You are what you think.
Maybe I should think like my husband, who often says, “Why are you listening to research that talks about what happens most of the time and then you believe it will happen to you?“Because I am an experimental psychologist, Edward.” If something occurs, say 65% of the time (which is more than chance), wouldn’t you go with the odds that it would happen to you? Now, I am not taking cancer lightly, I do not wish to have had it nor do I want anyone else to have it. But, I’m just saying – no weight loss?!?
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