Today wasn’t such a happy day because just before Thanksgiving I got the letter reminding me to schedule my mammogram. I started to get feelings of sadness & loss.


I don’t know why I go through a mix of feelings about this. Well, I do kinda know but logically, I should not feel such angst.


Anyway, I was just feeling strange. I have to schedule it. It takes a while to decide to make the call and you’re on hold. Then I decide they can call me back within 24 hours, so I don’t have to wait. But I am waiting!


It’s just a little frustrating. They eventually called me back the next day 28 hours later to schedule it. But I am thankful the mammograms are only once a year now, not every six months. I am thankful I’m healthy, I just pray I will continue to be so and I wish the same for all of you, your friends and loved ones.


Dr. Harriette

Let me know what you think.